Some of our items are brand new. And others are preloved - meaning we can bring you the most sought after designer names; for less.
Our preloved items may tell stories of their previous lives via minor marks, imperfections or other quirks... but purchasing these items continues their legacy, prevents them from ending up in landfill and contributes to a more sustainable, eco-friendly world.
Let's talk about the benefits of buying preloved items.
Preloved (or "seconds") items are those which have been owned and / or worn by someone else before they are put up for sale for a second time. There's so many benefits in shopping preloved items - they're cheaper, more accessible and better for the planet; as well as our wallets!
1. Preloved is more cost-effective
Preloved clothing is cheaper - and means you don't have to compromise on the quality or brand names on the items. The item may have been owned by someone else prior to you, but everything we sell is thoroughly cleaned and sanitised before it's put on sale.
2. Preloved is more eco-friendly & sustainable for the planet
Fast fashion (cheap clothing sold in bulk which isn't designed to last over the years) ends up in landfill. It's cheap, but bad for the planet - and often made in factories where workers are underpaid and badly treated. Buying preloved items means you're investing in top-quality names that will last for years to come - saving you money in the long-term; as well as the planet.
3. Following on from this point... Preloved is more ethical
As we mentioned above, in order for the high street to be able to sell items in bulk at such cheap prices; the cost of the labour to manufacture it has to be extremely low. Which means workers in poorer countries are exploited - paid badly (if at all!), made to work in poor conditions and forced to work long-hours; with little regard for their health.
Buying preloved means we're not putting money in the pockets of those exploiting workers in poor countries.
4. Your money supports a small business
As a small, start-up business, every purchase you make from V&G Boutique is hugely appreciated and allows us to continue bringing you fantastic brands at fantastic prices!
5. You create a unique look, in a wardrobe of long-lasting capsule pieces
No-one wants to be a sheep - or turn up to a big event wearing the same outfit as someone else! Preloved items bring you a unique opportunity to pick up rare, limited edition and one-off pieces to guarantee you always stay one step ahead of the crowd.